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Przedszkole Publiczne Nr 2 w Łęcznej
Przedszkole Publiczne Nr 2 w Łęcznej

Grupa Pszczółki

Materiały edukacyjne

Rozkład materiału z j. angielskiego w październiku dla grupy 3–latków  oraz 3/ 4- latków .


1. Here’s a frog, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a koala, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a mouse, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a snake, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo.


2. Hands up and down, head up and down, legs up and down, clap , turn around.


3. Like me stand up like me, sit down like me, clap like me, stamp your feet.


4. I’m a witch.

Here’s my broom. Here’s my cat. Here’s the moon


5. I love my teacher

She teaches me everything, it’s really interesting.


Rozkład materiału z j. angielskiego w październiku dla grupy 3–latków.


1. Here’s a frog, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a koala, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a mouse, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a snake, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo.


2. Hands up and down, head up and down, legs up and down, clap , turn around.


3. Like me stand up like me, sit down like me, clap like me, stamp your feet.


4. I’m a witch.

Here’s my broom. Here’s my cat. Here’s the moon


5. I love my teacher

She teaches me everything, it’s really interesting.


Rozkład materiału z j. angielskiego w październiku dla grupy 4-latków. 


1. Here’s a frog, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a koala, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a mouse, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo

Here’s a snake, peek-a- boo, here’s a kangaroo.


2. Hands up and down, head up and down, legs up and down, clap , turn around.


4. Like me stand up like me, sit down like me, clap like me, stamp your feet.


5. I love my teacher

She teaches me everything, it’s really interesting.


6. I’m a witch.

Here’s my broom. Here’s my cat. Here’s the moon.


Rozkład materiału z j. angielskiego w październiku dla grupy 4/5 latków oraz  5-latków.


1.What’s the matter? I’ve got a headache, earache, stomache.


2. We are dancing Labadoo. Head, shoulders, arms, hands, legs.


3 .I love my teacher

She teaches me everything, it’s really interesting.


5. Old McDonald has  a farm. On this farm he has a cow, bee, hen, sheep, dog, cat, pig, turkey, chick.


6. At he zoo Lion, zebra, elephant, hippo, giraffe, crocodile, penguin, monkey, kangaroo.


7.   I’m a witch.

Here’s my broom. Here’s my cat. Here’s the moon


8.Witches, black and green. Happy Halloween.

Ghosts white and green. Happy Halloween.

Pumpkins  orange and green . Happy Halloween.


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